Monday, June 29, 2009

Spring Clean!

Lately our house has felt really cluttered to me. I know our little apartment is small. But there's just two of us, we should have space for our miniscule set of belongings Our spare room especially has kind of been haunting me lately. Like at work I can't stop thinking about it. It's like when I try to go to bed without doing the dishes in the sink. I toss and turn and have nightmares about the bacteria growing on last night's spaghetti, until I can't take it and I get up to wash plates at 3 A.M. You think I'm kidding, but it's happened. Something else I've inherited from my mother. I resolved this weekend to clean up the spare room. Austin wasn't bothered by it, because he's a boy, but regardless of his apathy I recruited his help. Mostly his manpower to lift my tupperware bins and boxes into the outside shed. We sorted, piled, scrubbed, stacked, packed, and vacuumed until there was some semblence of an actual room. We carted out loads of junk that we didn't need, and threw out even more. School papers, scrapbook junk, gun stuff of course, etc. In the end, we realized that we had five computers in there. FIVE COMPUTERS. Three desktops and two laptops. How in the world?! So we compiled everything from all of them onto an external hard drive for our newest computer, and we are selling the rest.
I also went through all of our books and movies and posted all the ones we don't want on Amazon.
And we cleaned out my car. I mean deep cleaned scrubbed down vacuumed, clorox'ed, windex'ed, the whole bit. We are going on a couple of road trips, and we need a nice clean car to travel in for sure. We even had my battery replaced and my oil changed. She's as good as new!
And tonight the adventure continues. We're moving on to organizing our tiny box of a kitchen. We're brainstorming new ways to utilize the little space that we have. It's so nice to clear out the clutter and dejunk our lives.
I'll definitely sleep a little easier now. For a few months at least.


Amanda said...

Ahh... I love cleaning! Really.

mamagale said...

You are a girl after my own heart Shanna! I was getting all tingly reading this--I can even smell the clorox! (Honest, we are not OCD--just slightly neat freakish)