Thursday, May 13, 2010

Between husband and wife

Austin: "I promise that when we have a real house you can have a huge greenhouse"

Me: "Well I don't need a HUGE greenhouse, just one big enough to grow some tomato plants"

Austin: "Yeah and poinsettas. And then at Christmas we can give them away to people we like, and we'll make the people we don't like buy them from us"

Me: "No we'll just give them to the people we don't like because they're poisonous"

Austin: "Yeah dry them out and make poisoned poinsetta tea"

Me: "Who do we really dislike enough to want to give poisioned tea to?"

Austin: thinks carefully for several seconds..."{name of current acquanitance that we cannot stand, but cannot be named on a public blog}"

Me: "Perrrrrfect"


April said...

I can't wait to plot revenge with my husband.

Taffers Dawn said...

haha I forget how funny you two are!

mamagale said...

Now are we all wondering: is it us? I won't be taking any tea, thank you :)