Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Somehow I ended up spending pretty much my entire day in the kitchen. It started because I needed to prep mason's baby food for our second road trip in a week and a half. Then 5 pm rolled around and I had done all the baby food,  baked two kinds of cookies, made potstickers for mine and Mason's lunch, baked homemade graham crackers, and made chicken curry with couscous and sweet potato fries for dinner. I don't even really like to cook that much, but it was pretty fun. Mason loves those graham crackers, but not as much as Austin! Now I have to load the truck for our drive to the family cabin tomorrow. We are so excited! It's been almost six months since I saw most of my family, which is just way too long. There's no reception there, so I will have to update the blog when I'm back to civilization. Enjoy your memorial day weekend!!

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