Friday, February 8, 2013

Baby Mason

I guess he's not really "Baby Mason" anymore, but I just can't bear to call him a toddler yet. Here are a few highlights from our sweet little boy over the last few months.

He started nursery and loves it. He has a little bit of a hard time right when we drop him off. But after a few minutes it's all play, and he doesn't want to leave when we pick him up. This is also thanks to his amazing nursery leader who is so patient during his initial upset and makes it so great for him to be there.

He is a chatterbox these days, and will repeat just about anything we say. Which can obviously be a little scary. =) We are saying a lot of  "oh dears" and "bum" around here lately. No more stupid, crap, or butt. I guess it's good for all of us.

The last couple days he begs to "hide" under the blanket and when you ask him what he hears out there he yells "BEARS!" And then he'll say "peek??" until we look out and make sure everything is okay.

He's obsessed with the little pillow we got him for his crib. When he's really tired he'll beg for "pillooooow" and "pupppppy" of course.

He loves his cars. LOVES his cars. There are cars everywhere in our house. Even the fridge sometimes.

He still loves to read and knows the words to his favorite books. He can make almost all the animal noises, and can at least point to whatever we ask him to point out. He also loves to point out when someone is wearing a hat or a shirt or shoes.

He is obsessed with airplanes, helicopters, and trains. Whenever he hears the airplane sound he runs to the window and says "mairpane?!" "copter?!" I'm not sure why the "m" at the front of airplane...And when he hears the train he says "CHOO CHOO!!!"

He loooooves babies. He loses his mind at church if he sees a baby and he can't get to it to say "baaaaby". He loves videos of babies, and loves baby sister. He pats my belly and says "Hi, baby sister" and then gives her kisses. The other morning he was saying "baby sister out!!" I think he's going to be a little less excited when he realizes how much baby sister is going to rock his world. =) I can't wait to see him with the new baby though, I think for the most part he's going to love having her around.

He's such a sweet boy and says "sowwy" when he does something mean and "excuse me" after he burps or if you're in his way. He loves giving kisses and hugs and sometimes gives out the hugs too freely to little kids in public.


Anna said...

BABY SISTER!!!!!!!!!!

What an adorable little sweetheart!

mamagale said...

You snuck this post in while I was out of town! He is growing up so fast! Love his cute little sayings and the pictures :)

Nicole said...

He's so cute! I wish we could have seen him (and you guys ) more at Christmas!