Weight: 12 lbs 8 1/2 oz-55% percentile
Length: 24 1/2"-90-95% percentile
Head Circ.: 39 cm-50%
So he's growing, growing, growing! He now smiles all day long and loves to talk. He is learning new sounds every day that his voice can make, and he likes to try out the new ones he discovers. I swear he understands the inflection in your voice when you ask him a question, cause he always responds with an adorable chorus of coos and ahhs and baby talk.
He squeals in delight now, just on the verge of laughing. When we sing to him he does a little high pitched squeal like he's trying to sing along.
He loves to be read to and when he's in the mood he'll pay attention to three or four board books. He likes to stare at each page.
He loves to be outside and will calm right down if we walk him out there. He seems particularly enthralled with birds, we have lots of quail that run around in the puddles here and he always seems mesmerized by them.
His favorite song is "Popcorn Popping" and he loves the sound of "snoring" when we mimic it.
He can hold his head up and puts weight on his legs, and when he's trying to chase his fist that he wants to suck on, he can almost roll over, but always gets stuck on his little arm.
He HATES tummy time, which seems to be a universal baby hatred. But the pediatrician said that letting them cry for a little bit is what motivates them to move out of that position. So we let him fuss and he does start to try and push with his hands and roll back over.
The pediatrician also said that if he decides to suck his thumb that we should let him, especially because he doesn't take a pacifier. I'm okay with him sucking his hands, but we'll see if we are totally okay if the thumb makes it in there. That's a hard habit to break because you can't take a thumb away and hide it like you can the pacifier. =)
He hasn't gotten a bald spot yet and his lashes are SO long and his eyes look like they might be turning green.
He has decided that his bedtime is 10:30 pm and he goes down pretty much right at it every night. He loves to have his bath and then we massage his little feet with some lotion and put on his jammies and he is out within a few minutes. It's wonderful.
And that's all the updates I can think of! Here are some more pictures and videos of course. We just can't get enough of this little man!
Playing with daddy, one of his favorite pastimes!
I love his fat baby cheeks
We were skyping with Grandpa Terry and Grandma Ann and he was trying to talk but had the hiccups, poor little guy.
Sorry for the weird angle, it's hard to film and play at the same time!
This is pretty much about how all tummy times go
What a perfect little sweetie!!
How cute!! ARGH!! I'm missing all the good stuff... this is stupid. Tell Mason hello and to please come visit me.
Just love the blog and videos. It does appease grandparents a bit, but we sure miss the precious little guy!! Nothing like the REAL thing!! Love to all.....
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