So we took him to an allergist and they did some skin testing. The skin tests aren't really accurate this young, but they ruled out more serious allergies like peanuts or tree nuts. The allergist said it's most likely a sensitivity to soy in addition to the dairy. He was really sweet and commended me for nursing him because his reactions would be way worse if he was on formula. We can't even switch him to formula unless we pay $40 a container for Neocate. I wouldn't want to stop nursing anyway, but that cost is just out of the question! And he said to nurse for at least a year to make sure he grows out of the sensitivities, maybe longer if needed.
I've been off soy since Monday now and it is rough. Pretty much anything packaged has soy because it's a preservative. Canned tuna, refried beans, Mountain Dew, chicken broth, nonstick cooking spray, canned soups, all cookies, graham crackers, Wheat thins, and a lot of chips.
I guess I can see this as a really good opportunity for me to get uber healthy. No preservatives, all raw foods. I've been surviving on smoothies with rice milk, fruit, spinach, and agave. And oatmeal with honey and almond milk is a huge treat. My sweet sister is going to find a good recipe for homemade vegetable broth and make some for me to freeze so that I can make soups.
I asked Austin if he was going to give up dairy and soy with me to be supportive.
His answer was "I would die of starvation".
I kind of feel like I am.
But Mason only woke up once during the night last night and took a 2 1/2 hour nap this afternoon.
The sleep is worth it.
This little monster is worth it too.
Oh the eyes! Their smiles and laughter make it all worth it :) I wish you the best. I don't know how you do it. You're going to be the most fit mom around!
if you ever need to take a nap, I would be more than happy to watch him. I get home at 6 and could do it any night of the week :)
Seriously it feels like starvation! Oh but sleep is so worth it! Good job!
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