Wednesday, January 9, 2008

America's Next Top......Addiction

These days VH1 has been doing reruns of the amazing show America's Next Top Model. But these aren't your everyday, summertime reruns. In one day, they show you the ENTIRE season. You get to watch all the drama, tears, drinking, anorexia, and Tyra you can handle. So instead of waiting twelve weeks to see who wins, you only have to sit on your couch for like six hours. Even Austin joined in the fun last night for the last few episodes. Partly because we don't have a remote and we're all too lazy to get up and look for something else to watch. But mostly because it is the most ADDICTIVE show in the world. Just try it. It'll change your life. It might provoke thoughts of starvation, but it's worth every skipped meal!!

Mine and Siara's favorite girl won last night, Jaslene.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I didn't like Jaslene. My all time favorite will forever and ever be Yohanna. Forever.