Thursday, January 17, 2008

MySpace, the armpit of the internet

I never cease to be shocked and amazed by the trash that can so quickly and easily be accessed on the phenomenon of a website, MySpace. It's truly a gathering place for the least productive people in society. With user names like "BiTcH U WiLl NeVeR Be Me., StOp TrYiN. U JuS A HoE", and "pleez" and "u" and numerous other purposeful substitutions for correct grammar galore, usually involving the strategic placement of a "z", how can people resist?

The thing is, most decent, productive people can.

The drama that I have experienced at the hands of avid MySpace users is the main reason why I have not regularly participated in the network for years. And the amount of sluttiness represented on just one site is appalling. My particular favorite time is right after Halloween, when a million new pictures get posted of girls wearing, to quote Mean Girls, "lingerie and some sort of animal ears".
I'm pretty sure the police don't wear fishnets and hot pants. And I've never seen a referee with so much cleavage.

The reason I have such issues with MySpace is that it represents much larger problems going on in our society, namely the extreme narcissism of our generation. It is incredible how many people openly think that they are better than everyone else. MySpace is simply a vehicle for people to build their own self-worth in empty, shallow, and materialistic ways. A place where they can "prove" that people like them as much as they like themselves. A place where someone named Tila Tequila can get her own TV show just because of the number of "friends" she had on MySpace. The ironic part of it all is that these people think everyone in the world is jealous of them and is trying to be like them. Narcissism at its finest.

The saddest part is that this affirmation is completely false. People don't get on MySpace to actually make a difference, they get on there to prove they can have more friends than other people. I personally cannot think of a more pathetic way to let people know that I am worth something. I like to think that the number of views I have on a MySpace page isn't a direct gauge for the extent of my personal value.

So you're right, overconfident trashy girl on MySpace. I won't ever be you. The ironic thing is, I'm not trying to be.

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