Thursday, March 5, 2009

3) Homemade Baby Food

I know this one sounds like a crazy hippie lady thing. But I am crazy about the idea of not having to buy jars upon jars of baby food, which is getting rather expensive, and having to worry about what might be in it. I could just pick some fresh fruits/veggies from my wonderful garden (documented in the previous post) and make it fresh in exactly the right amount. This baby food maker is my favorite, it's from France and they sell it at Williams-Sonoma, so it must be incredible. It steams, blends, and warms the food all in that same bowl, and it has no BPA. We'll have the healthiest little organic babies!

I would of course also need this precious little baby cookbook.


Sarah said...

My sister gave me the book for Christmas! I love it! I keep forgetting to pick up some ice trays, but I am planning to make Delainey's food, too!

Erin said...

I make most of Bubby's food- mostly because it IS way cheaper and fun to do. Makes me feel like a good Mommy. I just steam my veggies on the stove and then use a blender, using the same water the get the right consistency so that I keep all the good nutrients in there. Then I freeze them in ice cube trays and WA LA. Cubes of food. He eats two or three at a sitting now, big boy!

Unknown said...

i love you.