Monday, May 7, 2012


Mason has been starting to say several words over the last few weeks, and yesterday he started to wave and say "bah bah". It is so cute to watch him wave to Dad as he leaves for work. And still cute when he's waving and saying it from his crib when he should be going to sleep.
He also says mama, dada, sometimes nana, and he'll put his arms in the air and say "a da", like "ta da!". And I swear he said cat a couple days ago when we were reading, but Austin doesn't believe me. :)
And I realized I didn't take any pictures today except this one of the pot pie we had for dinner. I'm a terrible mother. And yes that is a pumpkin cut out of it, per Austin's request.

1 comment:

keatseatsblog said...

OK, so Emma totally said "coco" at like 8 months or something, and I just kept thinking "no, there's no way, she's too little." But as time went by, she kept saying it. And even through all of her speech issues, she's held on to coco-- understands the meaning and everything!

So I bet you anything he's saying cat!