I'm just starting my official application for Nursing school, and I hope to start in January. So I naively went online to print off what I thought would be a two page application that I would mail in with a BYU transcript. Little did I know.....here is the massive list of all the things I have to do just to GET IN to the school.
1. Application checklist
2.Official application to the Nursing program
3. Copy of High School Diploma
4. Official transcripts from all colleges previously attended, mailed in sealed envelopes
5. Proof of medical/healthcare employment on company letterhead from the human resources department stating: name, job title and duties, start and end dates of employment
6. Three professional references from people who have worked with you as a supervisor, manager, leader, or teacher. References must completely official Nursing Program Reference form.
7. Provide a copy of your current Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) certification or Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), or renewal letter. The expiration date must be visible.
8. Provide a copy of your current Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) certification.
The expiration date must be visible. Your CPR certification must include basic life support (BLS) and must be accepted by the American Heart Association.
9. Personal essay: Type a three to five page essay with 1” margins, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font. Your essay must answer the following four questions: 1) What has motivated you to seek a career in nursing? 2) What are your future career goals? 3) What are your educational objectives? 4) How can you ensure you will successfully complete the nursing program? Submit two copies of your essay.
10. Medical Documentation: Obtain records from your medical provider, State Health Department or Employer. and provide a copy of your
current immunization documentation for the following:
Tuberculosis (TB)- Must be repeated on an annual basis
Diptheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DPT)
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Booster/Titer in adult years
Hepatitis B 3 part series
Hepatitis A 2 part series
11. Provide a copy of your official Criminal Background Check .
All of this, PLUS I have to take a placement test, PLUS I have to have it all submitted within two weeks of taking that placement test. And that's just the beginning of about two very rigorous years of nursing classes and internships. And after all of the schooling, I still have to pass the NCLEX-RN to nationally certify as a Registered Nurse. I guess it takes a lot of work to get your dream job, right? Too bad I didn't figure this all out when I was going to BYU for three and a half years....
So I'm off to get all my shots today. I'll have to endure a total of 9 needle sticks just to get me on the way to a new career. Wish me luck!